Mariners Women exists to inspire people to follow Jesus and fearlessly change the world.

Gather with all the women of Mariners
God is calling us to more—a season of expansion, breakthrough, and fruitfulness. Join us on March 26 for Mariners Women: A Night with Christine Caine, where we will worship, grow, and step boldly into all that He has for us. Don’t miss this powerful night—bring a friend and let’s make room for more of Him together!”
Wednesday, March 26th, 7p
Mariners Irvine
Save the Date
January- March Offerings:
January 2: Life Group Finder Opens
January 14-16: Rooted Winter Session Begins
January 28-31: Winter Bible Studies Begin
February 6-7 – MomCo Thursday & Friday Begin
February 10 – Life and Leadership Night with Christine Caine
March 26 – Women’s Night with Christine Caine

Life Group
At Mariners, we believe that real connection and growth happen in smaller communities. Rooted is the best place to begin your journey. If you haven’t gone through Rooted yet, now’s your chance! Rooted is a 10-week small group experience designed to help you connect deeply with God, the church, and your purpose. In a group of 10-15 people from all walks of life, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer, serve others, share your story, and develop spiritual rhythms that lead to lasting transformation.
Bible Studies
Select a day to see available opportunities!
Tuesday, 9:30-11:30am
Jan 28th – May 13th
Irvine Campus, Upper Room
Cost: $40
Flourishing: Lessons from the Olive Tree is a 14-week, group-discipleship resource designed to inspire women to remain steadfast in every season of life through the study of surprisingly rich thematic imagery throughout Scripture.
In addition to daily study through the Flourishing Workbook, Christine Caine shares biblical insights and personal stories through engaging teaching videos, guiding participants to gain wisdom and encouragement from the olive tree. Dates: Jan 28th – May 13th
Thursday Women of the Word
Thursday, 9:30am-11:30am
Feb 6th to April 10th
Irvine Campus, Ministry Center, Rm 200AB
Cost: $40
“Take Courage”: A Study of Joshua
Be strong and courageous, for the Lord your God is with you! These words from the book of Joshua can feel an impossible command to overwhelmed hearts, but Joshua shows we can live them with God’s help.
Joshua is a poignant reminder of our certain victory in God’s kingdom, God’s sovereign care, His desire to save, and His enduring faithfulness. Join us Thursday mornings from 9:30 to 11:30 as we delve into this book as a group and grow in practical study skills!
Our class has live teaching paired with a Wiersbe study book. The W.O.W. (Women of the Word) study progresses through the entire Bible book by book, so it is open at all times to new members.
Thursday Refresh
Thursday 9:30am-11:30am
Jan 30th to May 15th
Irvine Campus, Upper Room
Cost: $40
We are called to remain steadfast in our faith, but that can be difficult when we are burdened with the challenges and struggles of life.
Flourishing: Lessons from the Olive Tree is a 14-week, group-discipleship resource designed to inspire women to remain steadfast in every season of life through the study of surprisingly rich thematic imagery throughout Scripture.
In addition to daily study through the Flourishing Workbook, Christine Caine shares biblical insights and personal stories through engaging teaching videos, guiding participants to gain wisdom and encouragement from the olive tree.
Friday Women in the Morning
Friday, 7-9am
Jan 31st to May 16th
Irvine Campus, Ministry Center, Rm 200AB
Cost: $40
We are called to remain steadfast in our faith, but that can be difficult when we are burdened with the challenges and struggles of life.
Flourishing: Lessons from the Olive Tree is a 14-week, group-discipleship resource designed to inspire women to remain steadfast in every season of life through the study of surprisingly rich thematic imagery throughout Scripture.
In addition to daily study through the Flourishing Workbook, Christine Caine shares biblical insights and personal stories through engaging teaching videos, guiding participants to gain wisdom and encouragement from the olive tree.

Check out the Upcoming Events section for all of our current, open activities
Ministry for Moms

At Mariners MomCo, we believe better moms make a better world. Join us as we gather together to learn, have fun, and support one another in this beautiful yet trying season of motherhood. We have two mom communities to choose from: Our Thursday MomCo program is for moms of young children. Our Friday MomCo program is for moms, from pregnancy through high school. Moms will be placed at a table with moms in a similar life stage.
Thursday MomCo- February 6 – April 10,
Friday MomCo- February 7 – April 11
Times: 9:00 – 11:30 AM
Check Back in August for the next session of MomCo!
MomCo FAQs:
MomCo is short for Mom Community. MomCo (formerly MOPs) is an international organization designed to nurture mothers through the ever changing and challenging season of parenting.
MomCo encourages and equips moms of young children to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and in partnership with the local church.
We are a place to connect and find support from other moms. At the heart of our gatherings is community at each table. Moms form small, close-knit communities within the larger group, creating a sense of belonging. Sharing stories, challenges, and triumphs becomes second nature as friendships blossom around these tables. Mentor moms (those who have older kids or even grandkids) provide additional wisdom and perspective.
We meet weekly, listen to an engaging speaker, have heartfelt discussions, enjoy a warm breakfast, coffee and more.
We offer a Fall session (Sept.- Nov.) and a Spring session (Jan. – March.) Registration is required for each session.
Whether you’re a first-time mom navigating the early days of parenthood or a seasoned mom looking for new connections, our mom community is a haven where the joys and challenges of motherhood are celebrated together.
Our Thursday MomCo focuses on serving pregnant moms through moms of littles (ages 5 and under.)
Our Friday MomCo serves moms who are pregnant through school-aged kids.
We would love to welcome you to Mariners MomCo!
Our KidCo program is for children ages 0-5 years old. We know how life changing being a new mom is, so we focus on supporting moms of littles find community during this unique mothering season.
MomCo is designed to give moms time and space to recharge. Therefore, babies 6 months and younger are welcome in the MomCo room, however we ask that babies 7 months and older be registered for our KidCo program.
Our KidCo capacity is based on two factors: Help and Space. We utilize hired childcare workers and volunteers who have been background checked and trained. In order to keep Mariners KidCo a safe environment, we may reach capacity when it comes to providing a safe space within our high standards for care and child/caregiver ratios. If our KidCo program reaches capacity and you can find alternate childcare, we would love to have you join us! If KidCo and/or MomCo registration closes and you would like to find another way to engage at Mariners, we would love to help you plug into community! Contact us at [email protected]
Upcoming Events
Flourishing: Lessons from the Olive Tree
Weekly: Tuesdays at 5:30 AM @ Irvine -
Flourishing: Lessons from the Olive Tree
Weekly: Tuesdays at 9:30 AM @ Irvine -
Mariners Women | A Night with Christine Caine at Mariners Irvine
Once at 3/26/2025 7:00 PM @ Irvine -
Flourishing: Lessons from the Olive Tree
Weekly: Thursdays at 9:30 AM @ Irvine -
Women’s Bible Study | Take Courage: A Study of Joshua
Weekly: Thursdays at 9:30 AM @ Irvine -
Flourishing: Lessons from the Olive Tree
Weekly: Fridays at 7:00 AM @ Irvine
Esther Chung
Women’s Pastor
[email protected]
Crystal Chang
Women’s Director
[email protected]