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What Happened to Masculinity?
By Eric Geiger
Anchor Passage: 1 Kings 2:1-4
There is a fight in our culture over masculinity. In one corner is the argument that men have been feminized and the lack of “real men” is hurting our society. In the other corner is the argument that those celebrated as “real men” are toxic and damaging to others. So what does the Scripture encourage men to be? Join us as we discover what healthy masculinity looks like through Jesus’ example!
In This Series
The Cross and the Flag: How Much Should We Love Our Country?
By Eric Geiger -
What Should Christians Do with Things Like Halloween, Yoga and Alcohol?
By Eric Geiger -
Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation?
By Steve Bang Lee -
Does God Promise to Make Us Rich or Should Christians Be Poor?
By Ed Stezter -
Why Does God Care Who I Sleep With?
By Eric Geiger -
How Do I Know the Difference Between Good Therapy and Bad Therapy?
By Eric Geiger -
Aren’t All Religions the Same?
By Eric Geiger -
What Happened to Masculinity?
By Eric Geiger