Event Title

Aerial view of Mariners Church Irvine


Once at 2/14/2024 12:00 PM


Mariners Irvine Worship Center
Lent is a time of spiritual preparation for the celebration of Easter, emphasizing simple living, fasting, worship, prayer, service, and reflection. It begins on Ash Wednesday (Feb 14) and ends at Easter (Mar 31). This spiritual practice invites us to greater dependence on Jesus as we recall Israel's journey from slavery to the promised land (Exodus 1-12) and Jesus’ forty-day fast in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11). In contrast to our culture of self-indulgence, the Lenten journey to Easter calls us to humility, justice, and peace. During these 40 days, excluding Sundays, we forgo certain pleasures, replacing them with practices that draw us closer to our Heavenly Father. The act of self-denial reminds us of the sacrificial love of Jesus and creates space for the Holy Spirit's intervention in our lives.

We look forward to walking this journey with you and believe this Lent experience will bring a more powerful Easter. Why ashes? Come and learn the significance of this symbol. Join us at one of the Ash Wednesday services listed below.

WHAT: Ash Wednesday services
WHEN: Wed, Feb 14 at 12 & 7p
WHERE: Mariners Irvine Worship Center

CHILDCARE: Available in the Kids Building during services for infants through 5 years.

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