
Jenn’s Story | Following God’s Calling

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“I think people worry about this next generation and about our youth, but I look at these girls every week...

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Justin’s Story | Growing in Generosity

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“If you’re going to surrender, surrender fully…I’ve chosen to dedicate my life, my finances, my energy, all to Jesus.” For...

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Michael’s Story | Connecting with Our Global Church Family

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“Decades and decades of pain, of trauma, of resentment—they were replaced by absolute love for God, for people, for seeing...

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Lily’s Story | Joy in Generosity

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“I originally thought, ‘What’s the point of giving, when I’m not giving that much?’…But God was really working in my...

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Max’s Story | Easter 2024

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“For me, prior to being born again as a Christian, Easter was really just another holiday. But now it’s the...

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Brooke’s Story | Identity in Jesus

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“I’m a child of God and that’s the only thing that really matters. That’s the true label—the only thing I...

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May & Jake’s Story | Love & Pursuit

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“I found myself at a crossroad…Was I going to commit to my desire to find love? Or was I going...

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Laura’s Story | Making an Impact through Serving

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“They tell us their stories, and we learn about their families, their hopes, their dreams–and that just sheds all the...

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Nathan’s Story | Experiencing the Joy of Jesus

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“As I go through things in my life, whether it be adversities, challenges, or problems, I rest assured that God’s...

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Lavonne’s Story | Embracing God’s Grace

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“Praise God that He has given me my identity, that I know that I am His daughter. And that no...

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