Care & Recovery

Re: generation is a biblically-based discipleship program offering healing, recovery, and freedom from any type of struggle.

Re:generation is a Bible-based care and recovery ministry that includes both daily curriculum and weekly group-based support. But, above all, it is a discipleship program where people learn what it means to follow Jesus in all areas of life
while encouraging (Hebrews 10:24-25), equipping (2 Timothy 2:2), praying for (James 5:16), and supporting each other (Galatians 6:2; 2 Corinthians 1:3-5). Only through daily dependence on Christ can someone find full freedom from sin and its effects (John 8:31-36; Galatians 5:1).

How Does Re:gen work?

Re:generation is a biblical 12-step process structured within the context of small groups. Your first couple of months will be spent in either a newcomers group (first week) or a groundwork group. Once you have completed the groundwork curriculum, demonstrated a willingness to participate and decided that you want to move forward, you will be placed into a step-group to go through the 12 steps. Step-groups have a set number of participants and leaders. Once a step-group is launched, no new members will be added. For the next 8 to 10 months you will progress through the steps using daily curriculum along with other step-group members.

Is Re:gen for me?

Re:generation is a ministry for everyone– those far from God and those mature in their relationship with Jesus.

Because the goal of Re:generation is full devotion to Christ, and not merely sobriety, it reaches beyond addiction recovery to address any struggle standing in the way of a person’s relationship with God and relationships with others. While the ministry effectively deals with addictions, it also helps participants grow spiritually in all areas of life.

Re:gen can help address the struggles in your life. Identify your struggle here.

Is there a curriculum involved?

Yes. Groups will be guided by the Re:generation curriculum. Participants are invited each week to read, journal and share how God is shaping them as they take action in and outside of group time. Each participant can purchase a Groundwork book on the first night of the group.

What are the 12-steps in Re:gen?

Step 1. Admit
We admit we are powerless over our addictions, brokenness and sinful patterns–-that in our own power our lives are unmanageable.

Step 2. Believe
We come to believe that God is the one whose power can fully restore us.

Step 3. Trust
We decide to trust God with our lives and wills by accepting his grace through Jesus Christ.

Step 4. Inventory
We make a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.

Step 5. Confess
We confess to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our sins.

Step 6. Repent
We become entirely ready to turn away from our patterns of sin and turn to God.

Step 7. Follow
We humbly ask God’s Spirit to change our hearts and minds in order to follow Christ fully.

Step 8. Forgive
We forgive those who have harmed us and become willing to make amends to those we have harmed.

Step 9. Amends
We make direct amends whenever possible, submitting to God, his Word and biblical counsel.

Step 10. Continue
We continue to take personal inventory and when we sin promptly confess and turn to walk with Christ.

Step 11. Intimacy
We seek to deepen our relationship with God daily and depend on his power to do his will.

Step 12. Regenerate
Experiencing regeneration in Christ, we carry God’s message of reconciliation to others and practice these biblical principles in every aspect of our lives.

How do I know Re:gen will work?

The reality is that we all experience brokenness in this life. You’re not alone. We all have struggles to overcome. Whether big or small, these destructive thoughts and habits hold us back from the life we want—and the life God calls us to live. The good news is that God loves you, wants to heal you, and has a plan for you. Through re:generation, thousands of people have found freedom from their struggles and experienced new life in Christ. In Luke 19:10 Jesus says, “For the Son of Man has come to seek and save the lost.” Another way to translate the Greek words used here for “save the lost” is to “bind up what was shattered.” Jesus is looking for shattered hearts to bind up and restore into whole men and women.

Recovery Groups

  • Re:generation
  • AA & 12 Step Recovery
  • Guys Like Us: For Men


Re:generation is an opportunity to walk toward healing, recovery, and freedom through a safe, small group community. We are a Christ-centered discipleship experience that leads to recovery for anyone experiencing various struggles. Re:generation offers real tools to stay connected and free, leverages tried and true principles of recovery in a group setting, and is rooted in the larger story of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. To register, please click here.

AA & 12 Step Recovery

AA & 12 Step Recovery

  • Co-ed AA
      • Sun-Sat (daily) 7-8a Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 205
      • Sunday 7-8:30p Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 204
      • Friday 7:30-9p Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 205
      • Wed 12-1p Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 205
  • Men’s AA
      • Thurs 12-1p Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 209
  • Women’s AA
      • Mon 5-6p Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 204
      • Tues and Fri 12-1p Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 205
  • CoDA for Women
      • Mon 6-7p Ministry Center, Rm 101
      • Wed 6-7p on Zoom (email Audrey Williams for details)
  • Co-ed Al-Anon
      • Sun 7-8:30p Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 200 BC
  • Co-ed Ala-teen
      • Sun 7-8:30p Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 200A
  • Co-ed SLAA
      • Sun 7-8:30p Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 206
  • Gamblers Anonymous
      • Thu 7:30-9p (Open Meeting) Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 200A
Guys Like Us: For Men

Guys Like Us: For Men

Offered: Thursday, 7-9p

Registration Required: To register, call 949.407.9551 or by emailing [email protected].
If you suffer from disordered intimacy, sexual behavior problems, or pornography issues, come experience tools for long term healing, accountability and the freedom of restoration.

Support Groups

  • Cancer Support
  • Dementia Caregivers
  • Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)
  • Divorce Support for Adults
  • GriefShare
  • Healing Hearts: For Women
    Sexual Betrayal Trauma
  • Living Grace: For Women
    Mental Health Support
  • Living Waters: Chronic Pain and Illness Support
  • Mental Health Support Group for Men
  • National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
  • OCD Support Group
  • Saddleback Kidney Disease
  • Side-By-Side Virtual Support Group
  • Waves of Grace: For Women
    Sexual Trauma
Cancer Support

Cancer Support

We offer a safe and supportive space for those diagnosed with cancer, undergoing cancer treatment and/or living with the effects of cancer. Come and receive spiritual strength to persevere, and practical support in navigating your current physical and emotional needs among those who understand what it’s like. We’re here to walk this road with you. Find out when our next group meets in the Upcoming Events section below!

Dementia Caregivers

Dementia Caregivers

Those of us who have walked or are walking with a loved one through the vast and devastating stages of dementia are family. We share a common bond that binds us together through our shared experience. It is through sharing with those on the same journey that we can offer hope and support to each other through God’s love being poured out on one another. If you are walking with a loved one through dementia, please register in the Events section!


Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)

A peer to peer support group for people with bipolar disorder and depression. The mission of the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) is to provide hope, help, and support to improve the lives of people living with depression, bipolar disorder, or other mental health conditions. DBSA pursues and accomplishes this mission through peer-based, recovery-oriented, empowering services and resources when people want them, where they want them, and how they want them. Leader speaks Chinese and English. For additional information contact Steve at (714) 673-1420 or [email protected].  Learn more at

Offered: Fridays, 7-9p, room 208 in the Ministry Center 

  • with the exception of holidays and during special church events



Divorce Support for Adults

Divorce Support for Adults

Come to experience healing from past pain and rebuild hope for a thriving future with others who are recovering from the effects of separation or divorce. Our next group series begins in January 2025.

If you are out of state or otherwise unable to make it in person, please find an online group here.



Join a community of individuals who are working to process an experience similar to yours with a caring leader. Led by a volunteer, registration is required. Our next session starts January 2025.

If you are out of state or otherwise unable to make it in person, please find an online group here.

Healing Hearts: For Women
Sexual Betrayal Trauma

Healing Hearts: For Women
Sexual Betrayal Trauma

A Christ-centered group for women dealing with the trauma of sexual addiction in their marriage or relationship. Consider attending if your partner has engaged in or is attempting to overcome a form of extra-marital sexual behavior—pornography, affairs, homosexuality, internet misuse or seeking out prostitutes, etc. Small group environment.

Offered: Monday, 6:30-8:30p (except for the first Monday of each month)

Registration Required: To register, call Debbie at 949.547.9800



A community of women who are currently witnessing, experiencing, or healing from confusion of pain of verbal, emotional and psychological harmful treatment in intimate partner relationships.

Registration Required and Confidential: Contact Marci at [email protected]

Childcare is available.

Living Grace: For Women
Mental Health Support

Living Grace: For Women
Mental Health Support

Living Grace is a Gospel-curriculum designed by The Grace Alliance for those currently experiencing mental health and emotional challenges. It combines a Gospel-centered approach with evidence-based tools and support. The group is designed to renew faith and hope, as well as reduce shame, isolation and mental health symptoms. Topics covered include a Whole-health Strength, Renewing Your Mind, Cycles and Triggers, Grieving and Grace, Resilience and more. Our next group series begins in January 2025.

Living Waters: Chronic Pain and Illness Support

Living Waters: Chronic Pain and Illness Support

Come and connect in community, learn, grow, discover hope, be encouraged, and have the freedom to ask the tough questions raised by chronic and physical pain and illness. Meetings are held the first Sunday of every month. Find out when our next class meets in the Events section!


Mental Health Support Group for Men

Mental Health Support Group for Men

This 8-week class offers healthy solutions for your heart and mind. Both Scripture and science provide a new perspective and practical tools to help address the challenges of living with any mental health difficulty or disorder.

Here, you’ll find others who understand what you’re going through and will support you as you discover help, hope, and healing for your journey. Our next group begins January 2025.

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Monthly Family Support Group

NAMI-OC Family Support Group. Our Family Support Groups are our support groups for family members or individuals (18+) who have a loved one diagnosed or experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. Meetings are held in a casual & confidential environment, where sharing and caring is the focus. We hope participants can gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar experiences. Offered: 2nd Fridays of the month, 6:30-9p, room 204 in the Ministry Center. For additional information, please contact Elaine at [email protected]

12-Week Family to Family class

Family-to-Family (F2F) is a no-cost, educational program for loved ones of those living with a mental health condition to improve their coping and problem-solving abilities. This 12-week workshop has classes throughout the year.

Offered: Fridays, 6-8:30p, Ministry Center, 2nd Fl, Rm 204

OCD Support Group

OCD Support Group

We bring together families, friends, and those affected with OCD and similar disorders for increased knowledge, understanding, and support. We meet monthly by Zoom to share ideas, issues, problems, community information, therapist resources, success stories, etc. The Support Group is led by therapists, and often features guest speakers and presentations on OCD-related topics.

The meeting is held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM. 

To register, please contact Liz Trondsen at (562) 213-2191 or [email protected].


Saddleback Kidney Disease

Saddleback Kidney Disease

Our purpose is to encourage and mentor kidney patients and their caregivers about treatment options including dialysis and the complicated road to transplant. This group is blessed to have people in all stages of their disease and many who have already received their “forever” kidney but continue to attend to give others hope.

“He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and then He brings us alongside someone else who is going through tough times so that we can be there for that person, just as God was there for us.” 2 Corinthians 1:4 (MSG)

For more information and a Zoom meeting schedule, visit our Saddleback Kidney Support Group website, or contact Bill & Helen Mills at 949-412-3210 or via email at [email protected]

Offered: Online on the 2nd Saturdays at 1p and 4th Mondays at 11am each month (with the exception of holidays).


Side-By-Side Virtual Support Group

Side-By-Side Virtual Support Group

We’ve started a virtual care group for women navigating through the disorienting landscape of infertility and miscarriage. We have created a safe space for women to be seen, heard and cared for, walking “side by side” together through these valleys. If you or a friend are going through a season of infertility or grieving a miscarriage, we would love to connect and have you join us.

Our next group series begins: TBA


Waves of Grace: For Women
Sexual Trauma

Waves of Grace: For Women
Sexual Trauma

Recovering from sexual trauma can be painful, confusing and disorienting. In this small group for women, we will explore the many emotions and beliefs that survivors may encounter as they begin to heal and rebuild their lives. Sexual trauma does not define you. It is not the end of your story or the last word on your identity. Join us for a 12-week course to better understand the unique effects of sexual trauma, the path to healing and how to strengthen your relationship with God in the process. 

Please contact Beverly to be added to an Interest List at [email protected]. You will be notified when the next session if offered. Registration is required and confidential.


Relational Growth Groups

  • How We Love
  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
  • Emotionally Healthy Relationships
  • Restore & Stretch
  • Faith in the Fire: Finding Hope in the Midst of Struggle
How We Love

How We Love

How We Love is an in-depth, group-oriented, curriculum designed around video content, discussion, and skill building. How We Love Groups will help you understand your love style in your marriage or dating relationship, or discover what went wrong in your previous relationships so that you don’t repeat the same patterns.  Our next class begins in Fall 2024.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

In this course you will directly address the reality that emotional maturity and spiritual maturity are inseparable. It will equip you to develop a personal, first-hand relationship with Jesus by incorporating stillness, silence and Scripture as daily life rhythms.  Our next class begins soon.  Find out when our next class meets in the events section!

Emotionally Healthy Relationships

Emotionally Healthy Relationships

If you have people in your life, you have relationships and we all need practical tools to actually live out the Bible’s teaching to love well. Our ability to communicate in a healthy way and resolve conflicts maturely remains one of the most challenging areas for Christ followers. This 9-week course equips people with 8 practical skills to love others well as mature followers of Jesus.  Our next class begins soon.  Find out when our next class meets in the events section!

Restore & Stretch

Restore & Stretch

A guided experience featuring breath work, movement, and meditation for the restoration and well-being of your heart, mind, and body, in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Find a safe space for breath-to-movement gentle stretches, motivated by God’s Word, worship music, and prayer. This trauma-sensitive calm space helps you to center your thoughts, prayers, past hurts or current trials into the hands of our gracious Savior.

Our next series begins Winter 2025.


Faith in the Fire: Finding Hope in the Midst of Struggle

Faith in the Fire: Finding Hope in the Midst of Struggle

Faith in the Fire: Finding Hope in the Midst of Struggle is a bible-based 8-week study open to anyone who is facing challenges of any kind, and to those who simply want to better understand suffering in the life of a believer. The curriculum includes video content, an interactive study guide, discussion, and practical tips for deepening your faith and walk with the Lord.

This series begins Winter 2025.

Upcoming Events

  • Dementia Caregivers Support Group

    Every 2 weeks: Mondays at 10:00 AM @ Irvine
  • Restore & Stretch for Women

    • 1/27/2025 10:00 AM
    • 2/3/2025 10:00 AM
    • 2/10/2025 10:00 AM
    • 2/17/2025 10:00 AM
    • 3/10/2025 10:00 AM
    • 3/17/2025 10:00 AM
    • 3/24/2025 10:00 AM
    • 3/31/2025 10:00 AM
    @ Irvine
  • Cancer Support Group

    Weekly: Mondays at 6:30 PM @ Irvine
  • Divorce Support

    • 2/3/2025 6:30 PM
    • 2/10/2025 6:30 PM
    • 2/17/2025 6:30 PM
    • 2/24/2025 6:30 PM
    • 3/3/2025 6:30 PM
    • 3/10/2025 6:30 PM
    • 3/17/2025 6:30 PM
    • 3/24/2025 6:30 PM
    • 3/31/2025 6:30 PM
    • 4/7/2025 6:30 PM
    @ Irvine
  • Emotionally Healthy Spirituality

    • 3/31/2025 6:30 PM
    • 4/7/2025 6:30 PM
    • 4/14/2025 6:30 PM
    • 4/21/2025 6:30 PM
    • 4/28/2025 6:30 PM
    • 5/5/2025 6:30 PM
    • 5/12/2025 6:30 PM
    • 5/19/2025 6:30 PM
    • 6/2/2025 6:30 PM
    @ Irvine
  • GriefShare

    • 1/27/2025 6:30 PM
    • 2/3/2025 6:30 PM
    • 2/10/2025 6:30 PM
    • 2/24/2025 6:30 PM
    • 3/3/2025 6:30 PM
    • 3/10/2025 6:30 PM
    • 3/17/2025 6:30 PM
    • 3/24/2025 6:30 PM
    • 3/31/2025 6:30 PM
    • 4/7/2025 6:30 PM
    • 4/14/2025 6:30 PM
    • 4/21/2025 6:30 PM
    • 4/28/2025 6:30 PM
    • 5/5/2025 6:30 PM
    @ Irvine

Additional Resources:


If you are in a serious relationship or in need of restoration in your marriage, we have resources for every step of your marriage journey.


We seek to support individuals and families who are experiencing financial crises by developing a plan for sustainable living and, when needed, use Benevolence Funds to create a bridge.


If you have recently lost a loved one and would like to host a memorial at the Mariners Irvine campus, please contact
Eric Heard at 949-769-8344
or [email protected]

Therapy Resources

If you are seeking individual care for your mental health with a professional counselor or therapist, we have a list of counselors with whom we often partner. We encourage you to use this guide as you discern the right one for you.

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